Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sylvie Says: In Which Bastien Gonzalez Tells Me Why I Never Became a Prima Ballerina

At some point last week I started to wonder if I was the only beauty journalist in the Southern Hemisphere who had not got to meet and experience the Bastien Gonzalez’ pedi-cure at the One&Only. His name became as familiar to me as my own children’s as the twittersphere filled up with songs of his praise. And hallelujah, there by the invitation of Manley Communications and by the grace of her Doily I too was hooked up with an exclusive consultation with Bastien himself. 
Here are some facts.
1. Most women who apologise about their feet prior to a treatment are generally the ones who have less to worry about – tick. 
2. The arch of the foot – or the contraction of the arch of the foot - is the first point at which blood is pumped back to the heart. To quote Bastien,"you’re not going to die if you have flat arches." but we’re talking about optimal health, starting from the feet up, and BTW girls, any heel more than 6 centimetres will prevent the contraction and relaxation of the arch and result in heavy legs. Massage behind the knee to get the blood pumping
3. My 1st metatarsal is shorter than my second, and THAT is why, Dear Doily, I did not become a prima ballerina. My balance is slightly off and the mechanical imbalance can cause calluses (of which I have very little he is pleased to note)
Now I know dear readers, that you are of the shallow variety that don’t especially want to hear about the intricacies of the treatment or the innovations for that matter, and I assure you they are innovative and extraordinary – think dentist drills, generations old chamois buffers, exquisitely special products laced with pearl granules and an idea that took root in Gonzalez’ youth where he holiday jobbed for his architect uncle, when he was made to continuously buff and skim walls until they had reached a fine polish. Which is exactly how he reached the pearly natural pinky shine that is currently taking residence on my toes. Oh, and a foot and leg massage to die for, in a heated reclining chair. Just saying.
I asked if he was afraid that by imparting so much of his information that he would be copied. "No," he said without a heartbeat. If you teach people the exact way you do something, they will always do it your way. And boy, is he connected. We gossiped, we whispered, we rolled our eyes, we discussed our Mac fetish and we had a ball. And I cant tell you a word of it. Then we kissed, a lot, had a final little gossip on the step and I bounced off with my twinkling toes!

Some Bastien Facts

  • He has 16 studios around the world partnered with the One&Only Hotel
  • He has a range of products – Reverence de Bastien – which is sold in salons – he realised when in New York recently that (Said in a strong US accent) REVERENCE of Bastien was NOT going to wash on shelves with women who have single handedly been responsible for taking obey out of the wedding vows!
  • He personally trains each of the therapists that work in his studios.

Some Nail Facts 

  •  Dry your nails with a towel in a buffing motion EVERY time you bath or get them wet, this promotes growth and maintains shine
  • Don’t dig away at the cuticle, it is there to protect the ‘mattress’ of the nail – where the nail grows from
  • File nails only in one direction but buff in any direction – but only with a chamois
  • A blade in a practiced hand is the best technique for callous removal, followed by a foot peel – which dissolves built up skin and lastly by using an abrasive foot file, which sadly is more effective when wet than when dry.
  • Vertical lines running up from the cuticle generally indicate dehydration, and horizontal waves indicate compression – too tight shoes, and too long nails. 

It was a glorious afternoon, my feet look fabulous and I cant wait for him to come back. 
I strongly recommend you go too. It is fascinating, enlightening and a pure treat.

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