Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I Love Christopher Strong - And You Should Too

While the new-year-me is all zen about equal opportunities praise for local designers who achieve, there is no doubt that I still have my personal favourite designers. You know, the ones that I actually choose to wear (or would wear if I could). This year I am going to give these designers much more play here on the blog - put my 'money' where my mouth is and all that. Cape Town label Christopher Strong is one of these.
One of the most disappointing aspects of my recent health issues is the delay in going for a fitting with them for some highly anticipated additions to my wardrobe from the new collection. The long full-circle skirt (pic bottom right) is one of the items on my order list. Perfect for winter and summer and totally on-trend. As is a beautiful floral 50s-style dress. And the trousers, ah, the perfect trousers. They may not be Celine, but to my mind, not far off.
Christopher Strong designer, Elaine (also known as Olive) du Plessis, is strong on tailoring. This provides the collection with what I call 'backbone' or a decisive structure. The collection has a clear point-of-view. Not just buckling to trend, but encapsulating the latest silhouettes within their own design vocabulary. And keeping it clean enough for you to then interpret with your own personality and style. This is individualism with transparency and this is a gift to those of you who love fashion.
You can contact Michael or Elaine via www.christopherstrong.co.za or if you are in Cape Town, head for the Old Biscuit Mill Design Market on a Saturday morning.

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