Monday, December 6, 2010

Nicole Kidman: On Her Way Back?

How I loved curly-ginger-haired Nicole Kidman in Flirting all those years ago. And I bought into her acting journey and travelled with her, with a full emotional investment, in the early days of her career.
That dreadful Eye Wide Shut was the start of the end for me. And then she made her hair blonde and botoxed the character out of her face and it was time to call our love quits. What a dreadful time for us all.
But is she making a return? The flame hair is back. And looking utterly gorgeous. And I have a personal adoration of what I call 'Catholic Girl' style. All peter-pan collars and mid-calf styles. Sexy in in the implication of lies beneath. In the hug of the curve rather than the exposed flesh. Intellectual sensuousness, the promise of repression unleashed.
I can only hope that the return of the ginger is a good sign and she will blossom again into her full, real beauty. We would all rejoice.
PS: I mistakenly typed Eyes Wide Shit and considered leaving it in as it was definitely Freudian. Made me laugh.

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