Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Emma Watson: New Style Icon? Your Verdict Please.

I was chatting to Alex on the BBM yesterday and she told me that, despite the whole Royal engagement thingy, London is all about Emma Watson this week. Her style is rocking every front page and weekly magazine.
You all know that I am struggling to get it, so I thought I would, as Horatio taught me, follow the evidence and see where it leads.
However, today I am co-opting you all as my CSIs. Please review the pictorial evidence presented above and let me know: Is Emma Watson a style icon - YES DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS, EMMA WHO or PUH-LEASE, SHE IS NO GRACE KELLY.
In the comments please!
I will admit to liking the range of Burberry coats and jackets, but I am going to give Christopher Bailey the props for that. Emma just gets them to wear. Also, I have only put up the good looks here - that sack-y black Calvin Klein and weird tie-dye affair have been omitted for fairness.

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