Wednesday, October 6, 2010


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velvet dress: H&M Divided Exclusive * necklace: Leviticus Jewelry * lace-up booties: Zara

hey guys!!
i still can´t believe the weather. 23 degrees in october? PERFECT!
anyway, a short funny story: this necklace is the first product i received as a gift because of my blog.
when tara from leviticus jewelry emailed me, i couldn´t believe it! (if you are a loyal reader of the blog, my style from 2 years ago was really not blog-worthy, not that my style now is, but you get the point.) ;)
and look now, her store has gone from cool to WOAH. thanks for believing in me hun!
this post is for you.

much has changed around here too.
people change. fashion change. cameras get replaced. ;)

ps: these boots are such a pain in the ass. if they weren´t these pretty i wouldn´t even consider wearing them out. LOL


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