Robyn: If there was a female movie star that I was going to find sexy, it would be someone like Eva Mendes. I also think that she would be a right laugh and she knows her way around an outfit. The full package right there, as they say. This particular outfit is super-good for two reasons. First it is flattering and on trend - an unusual combination. And second it is nautical with a swathe of mustard. I think we all know I am going to like that.
Marco: I think you're onto something. I have always believed she will be as beautiful as Sophia Loren fifty years from now. Assuming she doesn't abuse the sun like Goldie Hawn, she will. At first I wasn't sure about the look because it's not really 'Eva Mendes' but what fashionable woman has a definable style? The long tussles are a nice touch to a great look. While I like nude heels in general I'm sure there could have been a better option, no?
Robyn: Adorable, obviously. You can't really compete with this level of cuteness once you are a grown-up. But there is something about this get-up that seems to indicate that this wee nipper knows what's what when it comes to throwing together a look. And the pumpkin patch is a good place to show off those sorts of skillz. Props wee man.
Marco: What do they say about the apple not falling far from the tree? When you're front row at a fashion show with your rock-star dad in NYC one day and out looking for pumpkins with your fashion designer mom the next, it can be expected of a 4 year old tyke to dress the part. Oh, the responsibilities of the rich and famous. I see the corrupting of a young Suri 16 years from now.
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