Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Few Words on Gingham Check This Summer

When Christopher Kane presented his collection of fun summer dresses in London for 2010, we knew that this was going to be the summer of gingham check. Fresh, witty and sweet, gingham is a perfect style answer to a sunny day in the city.
And let's be honest, when Alexa Chung, my bookclub mate, embraces a trend, it is almost certainly going to be a sure fire winner.
However, there are many pitfalls with gingham, and I thought that I would just share some of my insights and wisdom on the matter to help you out:
1. Never wear gingham if you are going to a farm. It is too literal and you will look like you are playing dress up.
2. Be careful how you wear gingham if you are over 35. Possibly pop on a cardigan, or limit it to a blouse (see Reece), but an entire cute dress is a little youthful to carry with any kind of dignity.
3. If you are going for the gingham dress, like Alexa, dress it down with flats and loose hair. It is not a smart office type of look.
4. Please don't wear gingham to a picnic. You will be camoflaged in the table cloth.
5. Gingham is better on the top half. Avoid gingham leggings or trousers unless you are very brave and blessed with fantastic legs.
Hope that helps. A little goes a long way with this. But if in doubt, look to Alexa.

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