Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Blogging Resolutions

Ok, so I need your assistance with a quandry I am currently mulling over. There are several new things I want to introduce to the blog in 2009 and I am debating whether to start a totally new independent online street style magazine as a format for the new stuff - or try and fit it all into the current blog format? Either way this blog will continue for the foreseeable future, I am just not sure whether to keep this format as it is, and start a new one - or change this format to incorporate all the new ideas....
When giving me your feedback, please consider the following - the two biggest fashion blogs in SA are both run and financed by the large media conglomorates. Style Guide Cape Town is currently the only INDEPENDENT and ACTIVE fashion blog in SA in the top 50 lifestyle blogs, so there is certainly room for a fresh voice in the fashion magazine wilderness.
Some of the new year's resolutions include introducing a couple of regular contributors to the street style photography, morphing into a fashion media channel rather than a static blog, with the introduction of multimedia postings and an increase in first hand interviews and engagements with fashion insiders in our fair land.
So please let me know - this blog + new magazine fashion channel OR just this blog reinvented???

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